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Interaction between Mr. Srinivas B. Reddy, Chief, Skills and Employability, ILO Geneva & ILO India team with SCOPE held at SCOPE.

SCOPE at International Labour Conference of the International Labour Organization, Geneva

The International Labour Organization (ILO) held its Annual Conference from 5th June, 2023 to 16th June, 2023 at the UN Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The Conference meets annually, bringing together tripartite delegations from the Organization’s 187 Member States and a number of observers to consider a series of topics related to the World of Work. Taking part in this conference, Workers, employers, and government delegates from the Member States addressed a wide range of issues, including- just transition towards sustainable and inclusive economies, quality apprenticeships, and labour protection. The Indian Tripartite delegation comprising of Government, Employers and Workers was led by Shri Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister for Labour and Employment and Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Director General, SCOPE participated in the conference as adviser in the Indian delegation, as member of Council of Indian Employers. DG, SCOPE participated in the technical committee of standard setting of apprenticeships and was also nominated as one of the eight titular members of the said technical committee. During the standard setting discussions DG SCOPE provided valuable inputs in the apprenticeship committee which were well received and also included as part of the final recommendations. DG, SCOPE was part of the apprenticeship committee in ILC 2022 also.
During the plenary session of the International Labour Conference, Mr. Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director General, ILO presented the report on Advancing Social Justice which focused on the need for greater social justice globally and the means to achieve it. The Report also highlighted the opportunities that exist, both nationally and internationally, for furthering the ILO’s human-centred and right based approach. Shri Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister for Labour and Employment and Environment, Forest and Climate Change also addressed the Plenary Session of the Annual Conference of International Labour Organization which was very well received.

While emphasizing the need to build a Coalition for Social Justice to fight growing inequalities, at the opening session, DG, ILO also stated that, “My message is simple. No one should bury their head in the sand” when it comes to facing the challenges shaking up the World of Work. "
Pursuant to the conclusion of the technical committees, the delegates attending the International Labour Conference adopted a new Recommendation on Quality Apprenticeships. The new labour standard adopted by the Conference aims to support “opportunities for people of all ages to skill, reskill and upskill continuously” in rapidly changing labour markets. Also, the conclusions of the General Discussion Committee on a Just Transition were adopted which stressed the imperative need to advance a just transition to achieve social justice, eradicate poverty and support decent work. Delegates endorsed the ILO Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies as a basis for action and the central reference for policy making.

The conclusions of the Recurrent Discussion Committee on Labour Protection were also adopted during the Conference. The Conference adopted a resolution on Belarus, under Article 33 of the ILO Constitution. The plenary sitting approved the report of the Committee on the Application of Standards (CAN) and the tripartite members of the Committee highlighted the urgent need to eliminate all forms of discrimination in employment and occupation, guarantee full and effective maternity protection and ensure the right of workers with family responsibilities to engage in employment.
The Conference saw the registration of 13 ratifications of International Labour Conventions mainly in respect of the recently adopted Convention against violence and harassment in the World of Work (C190) and Conventions concerning occupational and safety and health. Also, the ILO Programme and Budget for 2024/25 were adopted.
Sixteen Heads of State and Government, as well as representatives of other UN and multilateral bodies and workers and employers’ organizations, attended a high-level World of Work Summit (WOW), held between 14th and 15th June, 2023 under the theme of “Social Justice for All”. As part of the WOW Summit, four panel discussions were held with high-level representatives of governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations, UN entities and other international organizations. Participants discussed a range of social justice issues including the proposal for a Global Coalition for Social Justice. Shri Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister for Labour and Employment and Environment, Forest and Climate Change, GoI participated in the panel discussion on ‘Addressing Inequalities, Informality and Facilitating Inclusion’ of the World of Work Summit and highlighted the steps the government has taken to eliminate discrimination in labour market.
On 12th June the conference marked World Day Against Child Labour. At a time when child labour rates are increasing, Mr. Gilbert F. Houngbo, DG, ILO called upon the international community to support greater social justice and step up the fight against child labour.
The International Labour Conference was attended by around 5,000 delegates representing governments, workers and employers from the ILO’s 187 Member States.
SCOPE participates in UN India-ILO-UNESCO Roundtable
SCOPE was invited to participate in the UN India-ILO-UNICEF Roundtable on 'The Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transition: Creating opportunities in the green, digital and care economies for India’s future' held on 4th May, 2023 in New Delhi. The Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social protection for Just transitions was launched by UN Secretary-General, in September, 2021 with the ambition of bringing together member States, International financial institutions, social partners, civil society and the private sector to help countries create 400 million people decent jobs including in the green digital and care economies and to extend social protection coverage.
The meeting was addressed by Mr. Shombi Sharp, United Nations Resident Coordinator in India in the presence of eminent personalities including Dr. Amit Nirmal, Deputy Director General (Employment), Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE); Mr. Satoshi Sasaki, Officer-In-Charge, ILO; Ms. Indra Mallo, Joint Secretary, Ministry Women & Child Development; Ms. Natalia Winder Rossi, Global Director, Social Policy and Social Protection, UNICEF; Members from UNESCO, MoLE, ILO, Employers’ body and SCOPE. The participants deliberated on how the Global Accelerator is working to keep the promise of the 2030 Agenda.
DG, SCOPE at the meeting shared the view of how as employers' representative, SCOPE is largely working in green economy and digital areas.
SCOPE participates in IOE's Asia Employers Group Meeting

SCOPE at Global Symposium and WPMF Meet

SCOPE represents PSEs at ILO Workshop for India Decent Work Country Programme

SCOPE participates in OECD'S Meeting of Asia Pacific Network on Corporate Governance of SOEs

SCOPE at the Global Lifelong Learning Summit 2022

SCOPE participates in Climate Dialogue Series

Interaction with Assistant Director General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, ILO

DG, SCOPE attends the 2nd ILO/IOE AP Regional Conference
Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE participated in the second EBMO conference organized on the theme, 'Evidence-based research and policy work in times of crisis and looking to the future' held on 28th June, 2022. This was part of a series of regional ILO ACTEMP/IOE online conferences being held under an umbrella theme of EBMOs: Towards greater resilience, innovation and value. The series will culminate in a face-to-face symposium on 5th December, 2022 planned to be organized in conjunction with the 17th ILO Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) which will take place on 6th - 9th December in Singapore. DG, SCOPE represented the Indian Employers' Organization of PSEs and apprised participants about the evidence-based work being undertaken by SCOPE for the PSEs in India.
SCOPE leads Indian employers' delegation, constituted by GoI at ILO's International Labour Conference

The International Labour Conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) is being organised in Geneva, Switzerland. The tripartite delegation of Government, Employers, and Workers from across the globe are attending the conference to discuss Apprenticeships (introduced for the first time), Recurrent Discussion on Employment, General Discussion on Decent Work, and a General Affairs Discussion. Ms. Soma Mondal, Chairperson, SCOPE and Chairman, SAIL, has been nominated as the delegate and Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE, has been nominated by GoI as adviser to the Indian Employers' group.
Both Ms. Mondal and Mr. Sobti are part of the Standard Setting Committee on Apprenticeship and took part in first infomal employers' group meeting on apprenticeship in the month of May. DG, SCOPE, also participated in a meeting on ILC called by the Ministry of Labour, GoI, held recently and the employers' group was represented by Chairperson, SCOPE and DG, SCOPE at the plenary session of ILC. DG, SCOPE, and Chairperson, SCOPE also participated in the employers' group meeting and would be part of all the discussion during the sitting of ILC and employers' group meeting on apprenticeship. Chairperson, SCOPE, would also be addressing the plenary session on the discussion of the reports of the Director General and of the Chairperson of the Governing Body of ILC.
The plenary discussion of the reports of the DG and the Chairperson of the governing council of ILC will be followed by the World Work Summit and adoption of the committees report, adoption of reports and closing ceremony of the conference.
SCOPE at ILO preparatory meeting
Mr. Atul Sobti participated in the First Employers’ Preparatory Meeting of the forthcoming International Labour Conference (ILC) of International Labour Organization (ILO) held on 12th April, 2022. During the meeting, the possible main messages and objectives of the different ILC sessions were deliberated upon.
SCOPE represents PSE employers at UN's National Validation Workshop GoI-UNSDCF 2023-27
United Nations in India recently conducted the National Validation Workshop on the draft Government of India - United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2023-27). The Government of India and United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (GoI-UNSDF) is a framework of cooperation, results, and strategies that contributes to the achievement of national priorities. This framework is the single-most important instrument capturing the entirety of 26 UN entities’ plans and programmes in India for a period of 5 years.
SCOPE represents PSEs at EBMO Conference
Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE and participants during Asia Pacific Regional EBMO Conference organised by ILO ACTEMP and IOE.
DG, SCOPE represents Employers’ Group at ILO’s meeting on 'Impact of Digitalization in the Finance Sector'
The International Labour Organization (ILO) organized the Technical meeting on the impact of digitalization in the finance sector from 24th -28th January, 2022. Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE, was one of the eight employers’ representatives from different countries, nominated by the International Organisation of Employers (IOE). The Technical meeting was organised on the impact of digitalization on the future of work in the finance sector. It focussed on global trends and on policies, strategies, and good practices to advance decent work in the sector. The tripartite meeting brought together Governments of ILO member States, eight Employer representatives, and eight Worker representatives nominated by the Employers’ and Workers’ groups of the Governing Body, as well as advisers and observers.
DG, SCOPE, during the core group meeting of employers, gave his insight on how digitalization has revolutionized the Indian financial sector. Mr. Sobti spoke on the current financial landscape of India, various steps taken by the government to promote financial inclusivity and digital financial literacy, among others.
During the five days meeting, DG, SCOPE, was involved in deep discussions with other employers’ organizations from across the globe and gave his valuable inputs to form the conclusions and recommendations for future action by ILO and its members.
SCOPE participates in final session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) of ILO
SCOPE represented Public Sector Enterprises employers in the second and final session of the 109th International Labour Conference (ILC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, as Member of the Council of Indian Employers (CIE) held virtually. The final session concluded with a call from Member States for the ILO, to develop new strategies to tackle inequalities and boost skills and life-long learning.
One of the areas under discussion was General Discussion on Skills and Lifelong Learning. In this regard, International Organisation of Employers (IOE) invited Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE to be a part of 8-member drafting group to deliberate and present the desired expectations on behalf of the Employer's group in the upcoming session of the ILC. The members of the drafting group represented employers from nearly 180 countries and comprised of members from India, Spain, Brazil, Greece, France, Morocco, Indonesia and Lesotho (South Africa). The November session of the
ILC, conducted between 25th November to 11th December, 2021 was attended by around 4,900 delegates, representing Governments, Workers’ and employers’ organizations.
SCOPE had also participated in the first session of the ILC held in June, wherein DG, SCOPE as a member of a tripartite delegation comprising of Employers, Workers and Government representatives led by Mr. Santosh Gangwar, Hon’ble Minister of Labour and Employment (Mo-LE,) represented Public Sector Employers.
SCOPE represents PSEs at 'International Organization of Employers (IOE), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the UN Development Coordination Office (DCO), Virtual dialogue series’ on achievement of the SDGs by 2030.
SCOPE represents employers at Ministry of Labour & Employment and International Labour Organization's National Tripartite Dialogue on Human Centric COVID Recovery.
December 2021
SCOPE represents employers at Ministry of Labour & Employment and International Labour Organization's National Tripartite Dialogue on Human Centric COVID Recovery.
SCOPE represents Public Sector at 109th Session of the International Labour Conference, 2021
June, November & December 2021
The 109th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) was held virtually for the first time in the history of International Labour Organization (ILO) due to prevailing circumstances of COVID-19. ILC is the highest decision - making body of ILO and meets annually in June in Geneva, Switzerland bringing together the tripartite delegations comprising of Governments, Employers and Workers from the Organization’s member States. India is founding member of ILO since 1919.
This year, the virtual 109th International Labour Conference (ILC 2021) is being held in two parts. 1st Part was held from 3rd June to 19th June, 2021 and 2nd part being held from 25th November to 11th December, 2021. The focus or theme of the 109th ILC was the impact of COVID-19 on the world of work and how to ensure a human-centered, inclusive recovery focused on response of the World to COVID. SCOPE is a member of Council of Indian Employers (CIE) and represents public sector employers in the ILC and its associated committees. This year, Indian tripartite delegation to 109th ILC comprising of Government, Employers and Workers representatives was constituted by Ministry of Labour & Employment (MoLE), Government of India and DG, SCOPE, Mr. Atul Sobti was nominated as an Advisor of Employers’ Delegate by MoLE. Prior to the Conference a briefing meeting was held by the Ministry of Labour on the forthcoming agenda thereby enabling government to solicit the views of social partners.
SCOPE is a member of Council of Indian Employers (CIE) and represents public sector employers in the ILC and its associated committees.
Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE represented the PSEs/SOEs employers at the Conference as part of Indian Tripartite Delegation. He was an Invitee to two committees in the ILC- Recurrent Discussion (Social Security) Committee and Employers’ Group Meetings: full Group and COVID Committee. SCOPE provided vital inputs to the address of Employers Delegate delivered during Plenary Session of the Conference. The Indian Tripartite Delegation was led by the former Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C) Labour & Employment, Shri Santosh Gangwar.
The ILC was set in motion on 20th May 2021. The June sessions started with meetings of the Conference committees that continued for two and a half weeks followed by the commencement of the Plenary Session with the address by the President of the Swiss Confederation. Subsequently, Report by Mr. Guy Ryder, Director General of the International Labour Office and Mr. Apurva Chandra, Chairperson of the Governing Body and Secretary (Labour & Employment), MoLE, Government of India was also tabled and deliberated in the Plenary. ILO Director General Mr. Guy Ryder underlined that the “cataclysmic” effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world of work has highlighted the necessity of human- centred recovery policies. He acknowledged the efforts and commitment of governments to do whatever it takes to overcome the health crisis and mitigate its social and economic consequences. The Chairperson of the Governing Body, Mr. Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Labour & Employment, presented his reports which covered two years’ work. This was followed by the introductory statements of the Presidents of the ILC’s Employers and Workers groups.
During plenary discussions, delegates addressed the Director- General’s report to the Conference on Work in the time of COVID, which applied the human-centred approach of the ILO’s 2019 Centenary Declaration to achieving a sustainable and inclusive global pandemic response.
Mr. Pradeep Bhargava, Independent Director, Persistent Systems Ltd. was nominated as an Employers Delegate (Council of India Employer) to International Labour Conference. He delivered his address as an Employers
Delegate on 11th June, 2021.
Mr. Himanshu Jaydev prasad Panday was Worker’s Delegate and delivered his speech on 10th June, 2021. Another, key highlight of the 109th ILC was World of Work Summit which focused on the need for a global response to the COVID-19 crisis and the action required to build a better future of work. The Summit featured addresses from prominent world leaders like Pope Francis; US President, Joe Biden and other important Heads of different countries.
DG, SCOPE who has been invited as member of the delegation to participate as Advisor in the Conference actively participated in the deliberations of following Committees:
COVID-19 Response Committee
The ILC adopted the Resolution concerning a global call to action for a human-centred recovery from the COVID-19 crisis that is inclusive, sustainable, and resilient on 17th June 2021. This Resolution provides clear guidance on what the ILO needs to do to support its constituents for a focused and accelerated implementation of the Centenary Declaration post COVID and on how the ILO can be empowered within the multilateral system to build forward better.
Recurrent Discussion: Social Protection (Social Security) Committee
The ILC adopted the Resolution concerning the second recurrent discussion on social protection (social security). As a part of the discussions in this Committee, Sustainability was the key driver behind the Employers’ position as a necessary underlying condition to realise universal social protection.
During the 109th ILC, International Organization of Employers (IOE), an international organisation established for promoting sustainable economic environment to benefit both businesses and society, held preparatory meetings of Employers on regular basis which was also participated by DG SCOPE.
The ILC was attended by nearly 4,500 delegates, including 171 ministers and vice-ministers and high-level representatives from workers and employers, from 181 ILO Member States. It featured discussions on the impact of COVID-19 on the world of work and deliberated on ways to ensure a human-centered, inclusive recovery. The Conference deliberated on the importance of promoting employment and decent work in a rapidly transforming world of work emphasizing the need to develop, implement, monitor and review policies and programmes rooted in International Labour Standards. Discussions on social protection focused on the impact of COVID-19 and on the rapid changes occurring in the world of work.
The second segment of the Conference taking place from 25th November to 11th December this year will focus on inequalities and the world of work, as well as skills and life-long learning. International Labour Organization (ILO), established in 1919, is the only tripartite UN agency bringing together Governments, Employers and Workers from various countries to set labour standards develop policies and devise programs to promote decent work thereby fostering social and economic progress. The member States of the ILO meet at the ILC held every year in Geneva, Switzerland, in the month of June. The ILC has the key responsibility of crafting and adoption of international labour standards in the form of Conventions and Recommendations and its application at the national level.
SCOPE participates in final session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) of ILO
November 2021
SCOPE represented Public Sector Enterprises employers in the second and final session of the 109th International Labour Conference (ILC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, as Member of the Council of Indian Employers (CIE) held virtually. The final session concluded with a call from Member States for the ILO, to develop new strategies to tackle inequalities and boost skills and life-long learning.
One of the areas under discussion was General Discussion on Skills and Lifelong Learning. In this regard, International Organisation of Employers (IOE) invited Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE to be a part of 8-member drafting group to deliberate and present the desired expectations on behalf of the Employer's group in the upcoming session of the ILC. The members of the drafting group represented employers from nearly 180 countries and comprised of members from India, Spain, Brazil, Greece, France, Morocco, Indonesia and Lesotho (South Africa).
The November session of the ILC, conducted between 25th November to 11th December, 2021 was attended by around 4,900 delegates, representing Governments, Workers’ and employers’ organizations.
SCOPE had also participated in the first session of the ILC held in June, wherein DG, SCOPE as a member of a tripartite delegation comprising of Employers, Workers and Government representatives led by Mr. Santosh Gangwar, Hon’ble Minister of Labour and Employment (Mo-LE,) represented Public Sector Employers.
SCOPE represents Asia at OECD – Mauritian Financial Services Commission on ‘Broadening the Ownership of State Owned Enterprises’
November, 2020
Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE, was invited by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), France as the Asia representative to share India’s experience on Broadening the Ownership of State-Owned Enterprises during their virtual meeting on 27th November 2020. The virtual meeting was organised in association with Mauritian Financial Services Commission’s Regional Centre for Excellence. The meeting was extremely constructive with policymakers and experts participating from various countries of Asia, Africa, etc.
SCOPE represents PSEs at 'International Organization of Employers (IOE), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the UN Development Coordination Office (DCO), Virtual dialogue series’ on achievement of the SDGs by 2030.
October 2021
SCOPE represents PSEs at 'International Organization of Employers (IOE), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the UN Development Coordination Office (DCO), Virtual dialogue series’ on achievement of the SDGs by 2030.
SCOPE represented PSEs at Tripartite Progress Review of India Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), chaired by Mr. Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment.
March 2021
SCOPE represented PSEs at Tripartite Progress Review of India Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), chaired by Mr. Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment.
DG, SCOPE participates in UNSDCF meeting
DG, SCOPE taking part in ILO's discussion on 'India United Nations Sustainable Development Country Framework (UNSDCF)' held on 21st October 2021.
SCOPE at OECD's Meeting of Asia-Pacific Network on Corporate Governance of SOEs
Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE during virtual meeting of the 14th Meeting of The Asia-pacific Network on Corporate Governance of State-owned Enterprises.
SCOPE presents role of Indian SOEs in Low Carbon Emissions at Asia Pacific Network of OECD
Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE addressing the participants during the 14th Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Network on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises
DG, SCOPE, highlights the broadening of ownership in PSEs and its impact at the 13th Meeting of OECD-Asia Network
September, October & November, 2020
OECD-Asia Network on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises held its 13th meeting through video conference with the support of the Korea Institute of Public Finance and Asian Development Bank. The Network provides a unique platform for policymakers and experts from Asia and other parts of the world to discuss important steps towards identifying priorities for SOEs reform and implementation of the aspirational standards of SOE governance.
The meet had representation from Government and relevant non-governmental stakeholders from major economies in Asia and the World to share experiences, identify good practices and develop recommendations for reform to improve state ownership practices and strengthen corporate governance of SOEs. In this regard, meetings are held annually where representatives from different countries participate to exchange views and best international practices to improvise the corporate governance in SOEs across the world. SCOPE is an active part of the Network and has been participating in the annual meetings representing the best practices and concerns of the Indian public sector in the forum and also sharing the key takeaways with the PSE fraternity through workshops and symposiums.
In 2020, the meetings of the Network were held virtually on 22nd September 2020; 8th October 2020, and 4th November 2020 respectively with the agenda of identifying important steps for SOEs reform and implementation of the aspirational standards of SOE governance established by the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE Guidelines).
DG, SCOPE, represented the Indian PSEs in the forum and also made a presentation on ‘Broadening the Ownership of SOEs- Listing on Stock Exchange India’s Experience.’ He introduced the international participants to the strategic position of PSEs in India and the role of SCOPE as the ‘Inspiring, Innovative,
& Impactful’ apex organisation of the Public Sector in India. While highlighting the uninterrupted efforts of SCOPE to promote conducive and cohesive policy and operational environment in PSEs, his presentation enunciated the importance, evolution of ownership, and expansion of SOEs in India. He further discussed the economic advantage of listing of SOEs and added that it has led to professionalization, increase in investments, and transparency. While concluding the presentation, he highlighted that broadening the ownership PSEs in the right direction will only be a win-win situation for all.
During the Conference, a presentation was also made by Mr. Sailesh, Secretary, DPE, on the Indian SOEs and their governance. The meeting of the Network was attended by 120 national delegates and corporate practitioners representing 22 countries from Asia and 8 countries from other parts of the world.
DG, SCOPE addressed participants on Climate Change Mitigation at Columbia University as special Guest
27th February 2020
Shri Atul Sobti DG,SCOPE addressing on Climate Change Mitigation
SCOPE and IOE, Geneva to work together to strengthen Sustainable Business Environment
14th October 2019
Director General, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), Mr. Atul Sobti welcomed Mr. Roberto Saurez Santos, the Secretary General of International Organization of Employers (IOE), Geneva at SCOPE Headquarters. IOE is the representative of global employers in ILO, across the UN, G20 and other emerging forums advocating in the areas of business in social and employment policy. During the meeting, which was attended by senior representatives from Public Sector Enterprises, fruitful discussions were held on various employment and policy issues. SCOPE and IOE have mutually agreed to work in future on areas of common interests.