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‘Expedite RTI appeals by adhering to timelines’: Chief Information Commissioner at SCOPE Symposium
Calling the Right to Information (RTI) Act a landmark legislation that has withstood the test of time, Mr. Y.K. Sinha, Chief Information Commissioner, CIC addressed Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE)’s symposium on Right to Information Act. Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE; Ms. B.K. Sokhey, Director (Finance), NBCC and Mr. O.P. Khorwal, Consultant, SCOPE also addressed the concluding session of the two-day program, which saw large participation of senior officials of various PSUs from across the country.
Mr. Y.K. Sinha said that the RTI Act has brought about a huge change empowering the common man and enunciated the need for proactive and effective grievance redressal mechanisms in PSUs. He further added that Public authorities must go for voluntary disclosure to expedite the process, file timely returns while sticking to guidelines to enable effective transparency audits.
Mr. Atul Sobti addressing the participants called RTI Act the cornerstone of corporate governance enabling efficiency and transparency in processes. He added that SCOPE with the support of Central Information Commission has been continuously organising symposiums and workshops on RTI Act for capacity building of PSEs.
Ms. B.K. Sokhey shared that the symposium encapsulated important aspects of RTI Act with regard to CPSEs which will be a great learning for the participants.
Dr. Deepak Chopra, World Wellness Icon demystifies ‘The Nature of Reality’ at SCOPE Webinar
The secret to infinite potential lies in the depths of our awareness and consciousness and accentuating this, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) hosted a discourse on ‘The Nature of Reality- Unleashing the Infinite potentials’ with world icon of Wellness and personal transformation, Dr. Deepak Chopra from USA. Dr. Naresh Trehan, CMD, Medanta: The Medicity graced the event as Guest of honor. The virtual program was also addressed by Dr. H.K. Chopra, Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute and Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE. Dr. Deepak Chopra was felicitated with ‘Gyan Jyoti Award’ by SCOPE for his contribution in converging Science and Spirituality.
Demystifying self-awareness, Dr. Deepak Chopra spoke about the intersection of spirituality and science, enunciating the need for deeper connection between ourselves and the larger cosmos to unleash life’s true reality. He shared seven pillars of well-being that may help in realizing reality and strengthening oneself to identify diseases as predictable, reversible so as to achieve longevity of a healthy life.
In his address, Dr. Naresh Trehan said that human beings are connected in multiple ways to the universe and must remain cognizant of the link between spiritualism and medicine. He emphasized that spiritualism and science cannot be dealt in isolation and hence we all must holistically look at the entire ecosystem and bring it together for the benefit of humanity.
Mr. Atul Sobti shared that this webinar with the esteemed panel was a historic moment in SCOPE’s endeavor to organize programs for the overall wellness of society and aimed at reverberating the two fundamentals of human life – Science and Spirituality, which if achieved can do miracles.
Dr. H.K. Chopra conducted the program, reiterating the prominence of higher-level consciousness and encouraged participants to learn the secret to a fulfilled life from the seer, sage, saint and scientist all in one, Dr. Deepak Chopra.
SCOPE pays tribute to Father of the Nation, observes Swachhta Pakhwada
Commemorating the 152nd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) paid floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at SCOPE Convention Centre, New Delhi. On this occasion, Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE garlanded the statue of Mahatma Gandhi.
Paying tribute to Father of the nation and in line with Prime Minister’s vision of Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0 that aims at making the cities ‘Garbage Free’ and replenish natural resources through the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), SCOPE is celebrating Swachhta Pakhwada in its premises at SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road and SCOPE Minar, Laxmi Nagar from 2nd October to 16th October, 2021.
Speaking on this occasion, DG, SCOPE shared that, “SCOPE will undertake activities to spread awareness and highlight efforts of Public Sector Enterprises towards Cleanliness.” He added that, “SCOPE has given impetus to nation’s Climate Change agenda and a series of initiatives have been undertaken recently on Climate Change Mitigation bolstering our commitment.”
SCOPE to organize webinar with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Global Wellness Icon
Special address by Dr. Naresh Trehan
Self-awakening and believing in ourselves is key to discovering one’s true potential and succeeding in life. Unravelling this, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) is organising a unique discourse with the Global icon of alternative medicine and personal transformation, Dr. Deepak Chopra from USA. Titled ‘The Nature of Reality- Unleashing the Infinite Potentials’, the program will be held on 8th October 2021 at 7:45pm in association with Media partner, Tata Sky Famhealth and Academic Partner, Ipca Laboratories.
The programme will also feature a special address by world renowned Cardiac Surgeon, Dr. Naresh Trehan, CMD, Medanta: The Medicity on good health and recuperation in today’s time. This unique amalgamation of Spirituality and Science can be viewed live through SCOPE and IPCA’s various social media platforms and details can be accessed through SCOPE’s official website: www.scopeonline.in.
SCOPE-GIZ study highlights PSEs role in Nation’s Climate Agenda
Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) & GIZ, Germany launched a comprehensive report on ‘Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Pathways for Indian Public Sector Enterprises- Training and Capacity Needs Assessment’ to address the ways and means for building capacities for developing climate resilient pathways. The report was released in the presence of Mr. Gurdeep Singh, CMD, NTPC; Mr. Agrim Kaushal, Adviser, DPE, Ministry of Finance; Dr. Steffen Koch, Minister & Head of Economic Department and Globalisation, German Embassy; Mr. Mohamed El-Khawad, Cluster Coordinator, GIZ India; Mr. O.P.Singh, Director, ONGC; Mr. Santanu Roy, ED, GAIL India Limited and Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE. The launch was attended by several Senior officials of PSEs from across the country.
Given the fact that PSEs are involved in hard to abate sectors creating an inherent impact on the environment, SCOPE has collaborated with GIZ to raise awareness and creating capacities of PSEs towards global Climate Change Mitigation through studies & research, workshops, pilot initiatives and e-certification course.
Mr. Gurdeep Singh stated that Climate Change is invariably one of the most pertinent topics today and enunciated that though PSEs are undertaking individual actions, there is need for synergised efforts for which SCOPE can create a confluence of ideas by PSEs towards achieving various sustainability targets as a nation.
Mr. Agrim Kausal addressed the participants by appreciating SCOPE on the apt timing of the study as Climate crisis is among topmost concerns globally and encouraged participants to analyse and prepare pathways for a green plan.
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Atul Sobti emphasised that this study is a game changer and not a mere a desk study. He emphasized that besides skill enhancement, a pipeline of activities in the form of Compendium and short features to highlight the innovations and initiatives towards reducing carbon footprint by PSEs is also being developed.
Mr. Mohamed El-Khawad stated that as Climate Change impacts the triple bottom line of business which is economic, environmental and social so PSEs need to be involved strenuously for which this study is an important referral point.
Calling GIZ-SCOPE collaboration an imperative step in Indo-German partnership, Dr. Steffen Koch said that PSEs through efforts like low Carbon emissions have been meeting strategic climate targets but as they are strategic for the nation’s climate agenda more needs to be done.
Giving the closing remarks, Mr. O. P. Singh, congratulated SCOPE for the launch of a very critical study and emphasised on synergising efforts of PSEs.
Mr. Santanu Roy delivered the vote of thanks and complimented SCOPE on a very important study.
SCOPE Webinar on Will, Nomination & Inheritance
Ruminating on life’s uncertainty owing to recent events, the importance of writing one’s will, inheritance and guardianship matters has escalated. Decoding this, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) organized an interaction on ‘Guide to Legal Succession in Uncertain Times- Will, Nomination and Inheritance’ with Hon’ble Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, Delhi High Court; Mr. Akshay Makhija, Senior Advocate and Ms. Renu Gupta, Advocate. Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE and Mr. Adika Ratna Sekhar, CMD, Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd also addressed the participants. Around 900 participants with their families joined the engrossing session through SCOPE’s various platforms.
During the interaction, the eminent panelists led by Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw highlighted issues pertaining to succession and its peculiarities including formation of Wills, division of inheritances, care to be taken for avoiding litigations on Will, legal framework on nomination & inheritances and rights of minors. Many queries of participants regarding inheritance documentation, nominations and rights of minors were also taken up by the panelists.
Mr. Atul Sobti shared that the havoc caused by the pandemic was an eye-opener towards inheritance and legal formalities. He added that the lack of clarity and clear documentation further made the life of surviving members tough and therefore this webinar aims at providing precise information in this regard.
Mr. Adika Ratna Sekhar said that the theme of the webinar was apt in the present scenario and further reiterated Justice Endlaw’s suggestion to create Will depository with the help of PSEs in the country.
SCOPE-ILO unveil comprehensive study on 'Impact of Working from Home (WfH)’ on Women Executives
SCOPE –ILO study provides a very useful starting point for Guidelines and policy on WfH: Ms. Anuradha Prasad, Special Secretary, MoLE
Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) & International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva released a comprehensive study on ‘Impact of Working from Home’ (WfH) on Women Executives and Managers in Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in India with Guidelines for a Gender Sensitive WfH Policy in PSEs. The report was released virtually in the presence of Ms. Anuradha Prasad, Special Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment; Ms. Dagmar Walter, Country Director, ILO; Ms. Soma Mondal, Chairman, SAIL and Chairperson, SCOPE; Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE; Mr. Ranjan Mohapatra, Chairperson, Director (HR), IOCL & Chairperson, SCOPE HR Committee and Ms. Sanchir Tugschimeg, Senior Advisor, ILO, Geneva. Dr. Malika Basu, Consultant, ILO gave a presentation of the report. The launch was attended by about 366 participants.
On the occasion, Ms. Anuradha Prasad complimented SCOPE-ILO on undertaking the study on a very topical subject. She further shared that while the Govt. has notified Draft Model Standing Order 2020 under the Industrial Relations Code for Service Sector in which specific provisions have been made for Work from Home(WfH) subject to specified conditions and as detailed guidelines need to be evolved, SCOPE –ILO study provides a very useful starting point for such guidelines and policy.
Ms. Dagmar Walter stated that the study is a landmark moment in SCOPE- ILO association and has reiterated the need for creation of an inclusive workplace to upsurge women participation in workforce.
Calling it a proud moment for SCOPE, Ms. Soma Mondal said that PSEs have time and again instantaneously responded to the transformations at workplace and the pandemic was no exception. She added that the report gives an optimised insight into how women workforce are managing this new normal.
Mr. Atul Sobti stated that this is a path breaking study where highest number of public sector women employees participated. He added that the report is an important step towards developing Gender inclusive work policy in PSEs that facilitates equal opportunities to women workforce. He called for creation of better opportunities to encourage more women at work and also advised senior management to gain insight from the Study and Guidelines launched.
Ms. Sanchir Tugschimeg commended the active and consistent effort of SCOPE and ILO encouraging deeper insights into this new reality at work.
Mr. Ranjan Mohapatra said that PSEs may circulate and look at active adoption of the guidelines customised to their organisational needs s WfH is a perennial reality today.
As the pandemic has been catalyst in adopting WfH arrangement, the SCOPE ILO study offers detailed insights about advantages and challenges of WfH after administering surveys including key informant interviews (KIIs) and one-on-one interviews with Senior Management including CMDs, Heads of HR and other executives. A record number of 1969 women executives in PSEs were interviewed to reckon the ground reality of the situation. The report also proposes a set of recommendations streamlined into guidelines for gender sensitive work from home policy in PSEs.
SCOPE-GIZ, Germany sign MoU to support PSEs in Climate Change Mitigation
In continuation of its endeavour towards gearing the Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) towards Climate Change agenda, an MoU has been signed between Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), apex body of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) and Dr. Julie Reviere, Country Director, GIZ, a German public-benefit federal enterprise, for supporting the PSEs in playing a critical role in the national agenda of climate change mitigation. Mr. M. V. Iyer, Director (Business Development), GAIL & Chairman, SCOPE Committee on Sustainable Development; Dr. Ashish Chaturvedi, Director, Climate Change, GIZ India, other senior officials of GIZ, SCOPE and Public Sector were present during the signing.
While the earlier association was more centric towards building capacities in PSEs, the present MoU signed by SCOPE and GIZ seeks to explore and support implementation of studies and pilots in Public Sector Enterprises on climate and sustainable development related issues. Signed virtually, the collaboration shall engage in a series of activities in the areas of SDGs, carbon markets and climate finance amongst other issues pertaining to climate change mitigation.
SCOPE’s Green Initiative
Pursuant to its resolve towards creating a cleaner and sustainable environment, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), the apex body of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in India has achieved sustained reduction in energy consumption in two of its office complexes at Lodhi Road and Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi. These two office complexes accommodate corporate and regional offices of 65 PSEs.
Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE informed that reaffirming SCOPE’s renewed commitment towards environmental sustainability, in the year 2020-21, savings in power consumption were around 3.82 million units equivalent to savings worth over Rs. 4 crore. In the last 5 years, such efforts by SCOPE and its constituents have resulted in saving of 9.54 million units equivalent to over Rs. 11 crores.
Initiatives such as effective monitoring of power consumption, replacement of conventional lights by LED lights, Occupancy sensors, overall energy consciousness and utilization of energy efficient equipment have further invigorated SCOPE’s resolve towards a greener future and SCOPE will continue its efforts towards reducing the consumption of electricity.
SCOPE observes International Yoga Day
On the occasion of the 7th International Yoga Day, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) organised a session ‘Enhancing Immunity through Yoga & Meditation’ in collaboration with Bapu Nature Cure Hospital and Yogashram (BNCHY), New Delhi. Ms. Rashmi Nair, Director, BNCHY; Mr. Krishana Yadav, Yoga lead Trainer and Mr. Yashpal Singh, meditation expert took an interactive yoga session. Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE and Mr. Pradip Kumar Das, CMD, IREDA & Vice Chairman, SCOPE also addressed the participants. Over 450 participants with their families joined the informative module through SCOPE’s various platforms.
Mr. Atul Sobti in his address said that understanding the significance of Yoga in the present scenario, SCOPE organised this program to help participants imbibe, follow yoga as a lifestyle practice, instil positivity and be better prepared for the future.
Mr. Das stated that Yoga is the remedy for many ailments and should be followed not as a ritual but as a spiritual practice to cure diseases.
Yoga session by Mr. Krishana and meditation session by Mr. Singh was followed by an interactive session where several queries were addressed on Yoga as a practice that can cure and help endure what cannot be cured.
SCOPE Webinar on Myths & Realities of COVID
The world is waging a two-front battle of infection and dubiety due to onslaught of information amidst the pandemic. Elucidating solutions, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) with Famhealth organized ‘3M (Mindfulness, Meditation & Medication) COVID Protocol: Today & Tomorrow (Myths and Realities)’ with Dr. H.K. Chopra, Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute, New Delhi. Ms. Soma Mondal, Chairman, SAIL & Chairperson, SCOPE; Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE and Ms. Asha Kapoor, MD, Famhealth also addressed the webinar. Nearly 1100 participants with their families joined the informative interaction through SCOPE’s various platforms.
Dr. H.K. Chopra apprised participants on the adoption of 3M protocol of being mindful and meditative by balancing thoughts, consciousness and following medication cautiously, under supervision to overcome the disease. Replying on common issues, he encouraged individuals to go for vaccination to abate the pandemic long lastingly.
Ms. Soma Mondal in her address said that the second wave has been excruciating both mentally and physically and Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) are at the forefront for the citizens and encouraged participants to seek benefit from the program.
Mr. Atul Sobti stated that to overcome this trepidatious phase individuals must focus on accurate information and maintain mental calmness. He assured that SCOPE will continue to organise programs that provide precise information and solutions to individuals.
SCOPE to organize Webinar on COVID Protocol
4th June, 2021
As we are facing an unforeseen, unpredictable pandemic, we are surrounded by many doubts. To find answers, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) with Famhealth is hosting a virtual session, ‘3M (Mindfulness, Meditation & Medication) COVID Protocol: Today & Tomorrow (Myths and Realities)’ with one the country’s leading cardiologists, Dr. H. K. Chopra on 6th June 2021, 11:00 am onwards.
Seeking answers about mode of spread, diagnosis, home isolation, hospitalization, treatment strategies, vaccinations and the latest Black Fungus, the interaction will be available through SCOPE’s website www.scopeonline.in or can be viewed live through SCOPE’s various social media platforms.
SCOPE organizes ‘Sharing is Caring’ - Dialogue on Emotional Strengthening
Managing emotional contagion amidst the ongoing pandemic has given rise to the need to talk and be heard like never before. Deciphering this, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) with Famhealth organized ‘Sharing is Caring- A Dialogue on Emotional Strengthening- Real life experiences’ with renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Nimesh G. Desai, Director, IHBAS, New Delhi. Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE and Ms. B. K. Sokhey, Director (Finance), NBCC also addressed the webinar while Mr. R.K. Sinha, Director (Personnel), CWC and members of Public Sector fraternity shared their personal experiences. Nearly 850 participants with their families joined the emotional tete-a-tete through SCOPE’s various platforms.
Dr. Nimesh G. Desai articulated the need to instill hope, channel positive thoughts and filter the content we consume, to retain mental wellness. Guiding the participants he motivated them to let go off their fear, anxiety, survivor’s guilt and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.
Mr. Atul Sobti stated that as the second wave has had a cascading impact, with no one being unaffected, PSEs have stood firm, strong, continuing to offer unwavering support. He added that SCOPE will continue to create such conducive opportunities for mental well-being of PSE fraternity and their families.
The dialogue between Dr. Desai and individuals gave participants a glimpse into the real life experiences of individuals and motivated everyone to rise above the crisis.
Ms. B. K. Sokhey commending the spirit of those sharing their experiences said it was time to stay strong and surround ourselves with only positive thoughts.
SCOPE organizes ‘Tika Utsav’ – COVID 19 Vaccination Drive
13th April, 2021
Partaking in Prime Minister’s call for ‘Tika Utsav’ (National Vaccination Festival) to combat COVID 19, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) organised a workplace vaccination camp for employees of Public Sector Enterprises at SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. Shri Gurdeep Singh, CMD, NTPC; Shri Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE; Shri B.V.N. Prasad, CMD, CCI, Directors and other senior officials were among those who got vaccinated at the camp which received an overwhelming response.
The vaccination drive was held in coordination with Office of Chief District Medical Officer & District Magistrate (South East), New Delhi. Earlier, SCOPE had avidly participated in Government’s Public Health Response Campaign for COVID-Appropriate Behaviour.

Public Sector Day celebrations by SCOPE & PSEs
12th April, 2021
Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) and Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) held weeklong celebrations to mark Public Sector Day on 10th April, 2021 at various establishments of PSEs and SCOPE. This day earmarks Public Sector’s contribution to nation building and socio- economic development.
On this occasion, Shri Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE said, “Reinvigorating themselves during the COVID pandemic, PSEs as nation builders converted crisis into an opportunity to innovate, reskill and become self-sufficient. SCOPE earmarks this day to salute this very ‘never-say-die’ spirit of PSEs.”
Annotating the various initiatives to make the country self-reliant, SCOPE has brought out a special issue of its monthly magazine, KALEIDOSCOPE on ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat- PSEs Initiatives.’
New Board of SCOPE envisions Newer Horizons
Smt. Soma Mondal, Chairman, SAIL took over as the first woman Chairperson of Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) and Shri Pradip Kumar Das, CMD, IREDA Ltd took over as Vice-Chairman, SCOPE at the first meeting of the newly constituted SCOPE Executive Board 2021-23. During the meeting, Shri Rakesh Kumar, immediate Past Chairman, SCOPE & CMD, NLCIL handed over the SCOPE Flag and Shri Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE handed over the Public Sector Flag to Smt. Soma Mondal.
Speaking at the meeting Smt. Soma Mondal said, “I thank the Public Sector fraternity for reposing confidence and entrusting me with this responsibility. Taking cognizance of the tremendous work done by our predecessors, the new Board will stride ahead as a team to add value and achieve newer horizons.”
Shri Rakesh Kumar said that, “The increased participation of PSEs in Elections validates the increased confidence of member PSEs in SCOPE and with the new leadership, SCOPE will undertake more effective steps for the betterment of the Public Sector.”
Shri Atul Sobti, said, “With such a pool of experience in Board comprising of old and new members from Maharatna, Navratna, Miniratna and other PSEs from diverse fields, SCOPE will work more dedicatedly towards transcending newer heights and thanked PSEs for enhanced participation in SCOPE Elections.”

Sister BK Shivani emphasizes need for Emotional immunity in SCOPE webinar
Achieving emotional wellness and immunity has become a key challenge amidst these perplexing times. Recognizing this, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) organized a virtual rendezvous titled ‘Happiness & Harmony– Road to Engagement & Creativity’ with Sister BK Shivani, one of the most sought-after spiritual speakers in the world. Mr. Rakesh Kumar, CMD, NLCIL & Chairman, SCOPE and Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE also addressed the webinar. Nearly 800 participants joined the riveting experience through SCOPE’s various platforms.
Sister Shivani in her address signified the importance of internal contentment for achieving happiness. Drawing attention to the imperfect situation created due to COVID 19, she said that there was a need to pause and reflect on one’s priorities in life. She added that in this age of technology and social media there was an urgent need to restrict content consumption to build emotional immunity, be positive and achieve ‘Atma Nirbharta -self-reliance’ in our thoughts.
Mr. Rakesh Kumar in his address said that there was a need to recognize the path to happiness that does not only focus professional satisfaction but also helps achieve happiness and contentment in one’s personal life.
Mr. Atul Sobti highlighted the importance of finding happiness and recognizing actions that can harmonize as well as re-enthuse individual towards better engagement in life. While expressing gratitude to Sister BK Shivani, he reiterated SCOPE’s commitment in conducting symposiums and programs for the mental and emotional wellness.
Results of SCOPE Biennial Elections 2021-23 Declared
26th March, 2021
SAIL Chief Smt. Soma Mondal Elected as Chairperson, SCOPE
Pursuant to SCOPE Board Elections for the term 2021-23 for the Offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Members of the Executive Board, results were declared by Shri Atul Sobti, Director General, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) and Returning Officer in the presence of representatives from Public Sector Enterprises and Contestants. DG,SCOPE informed that the new Executive Board of SCOPE will assume office from 1st April, 2021.
While announcing the results, Shri Sobti said that this year, the apex body witnessed record voting in comparison to the recent past which re-affirms confidence of the Member Organizations in SCOPE. He thanked the entire member PSEs for the overwhelming response which would further encourage SCOPE to take newer initiatives.
As per the results declared, Smt. Soma Mondal, Chairman, SAIL has been elected as Chairman, SCOPE. Shri Pradip Kumar Das, CMD, IREDA has been elected as Vice Chairman, SCOPE.
Other members elected to the Executive Board of SCOPE are: Shri R.K. Sinha, Director (Personnel), CWC; Shri Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra, Director (HR), IOCL; Shri Amitabh Banerjee, CMD, IRFC; Shri Alok Verma, Director (HR), HAL; Shri Subodh Gupta, Director (Finance), BHEL; Shri Anuj Aggarwal, Member (HR); Shri M.V. Iyer, Director (Business Development), GAIL; Shri V.K. Singh, Director (Personnel), POWERGRID; Smt Baldev Kaur Sokhey, Director (Finance), NBCC; Dr. Siba Prasad Mohanty, CMD, HIL; Shri Dillip Kumar Patel, Director (HR), NTPC; Shri Rajendra Prasad Goyal, Director (Finance), NHPC; Shri Piyush Tiwari, Director (Commcl & Mktg), ITDC; Shri Pradeep Kumar Agarwal, CMD, Cotton Corpn. of India; Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Director (Personnel), WCL; Shri Om Prakash Singh, Director (Technology & Field Services), ONGC; Shri Amitava Mukherjee, Director (Finance), NMDC and Shri D.S. Sudhakar Ramaiah, Director (Finance), PDIL.
SCOPE in the recent past has taken a series of initiatives to become more impactful and innovative organization. With the newly elected Board, the apex body will transcend to newer heights.
SCOPE launches New Website
24th March, 2021
Construing that change is the only constant, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) launched its official website with a new look. Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE launching the refurbished website said that “In line with our aim of being an Inspiring, Innovative and Impactful organisation, SCOPE decided to revamp its official website in line with the dynamic environment.” The new website www.scopeonline.in will provide enhanced interaction, information and swiftness in user interface.
SCOPE reiterates need for empowering women employees in the ‘New Normal’
17th February, 2021
Forum of Women in Public Sector (WIPS) under the aegis of SCOPE (Standing Conference of Public Enterprises) organized its 31st National Meet 2021 virtually on the theme ‘New Normal: Opportunities and Risks’ for Public Sector women employees. Mr. Rakesh Kumar, CMD, NLCIL & Chairman, SCOPE; Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE and Ms. Atishi Marlena addressed the participants during the inaugural session. Ms. Soma Mondal, Chairperson, SAIL and Ms. H.K. Joshi, CMD, SCI addressed the subsequent sessions in the presence of Ms. Kirti Tiwari and Ms. Sanchita Banerjee, President Apex, WIPS and other WIPS members. The program was attended by around 1000 participants located across the country.
Mr. Rakesh Kumar inaugurating the e-National Meet said that as the country is treading towards ‘Make for the World’, women employees have an indispensable role in achieving self-sufficiency in all industries. He highlighted the need for creating a motivated and secure workspace for women to help achieve gender equality.
Mr. Atul Sobti in his address saluting the spirit of women employees in these times of crisis stated that displaying grit and determination, they meticulously transformed crisis into opportunity. He emphasized that women employees must focus on being more assertive, confident, aiming for higher goals and reiterated the role of WIPS in empowering women.
Ms. Atishi Marlena said that while COVID 19 created a unique prospect of ‘Work from Home’ for women employees it also renewed challenges in creating work life balance.
Ms. Soma Mondal in her address commended that amidst the blurring of boundaries between work and home, women employees have risen to the challenge and shown true resilience by adapting efficiently to the ‘New Normal.’
SCOPE webinar decodes Union Budget 2021
8th February, 2021
Mulling over the impact of the Union Budget 2021, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) organised a webinar on ‘Decoding the Union Budget 2021.’Prof. N. R. Bhanumurthy, Vice-Chancellor, Bengaluru Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics University; Mr. Rakesh Kumar, CMD, NLCIL & Chairman, SCOPE and Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE addressed the webinar. Detailed presentation on the impact of the Budget provisions was made by senior partners and subject matter experts from Deloitte.About 500 participants including board members and senior official from PSEs attended the webinar through SCOPE’s various platforms.
Addressing the participants, Prof. N. R. Bhanumurthystated that the Budget will accentuate the growth by invigorating the economic and infrastructural developmentof the country. He said that fiscal policy shall take a lead to enable overall macroeconomic stability of the country.
In his address, Mr. Rakesh Kumarsaid that the Budget stimulates strategic sectors and reflects on renewed impetus to green initiatives. While highlighting key aspects of the Budget, he reiterated on the constructive role of PSEs in the overall economic development of the country.
DG, SCOPE while appreciating the Budget said that infrastructure, social sector and policy reforms shall prove catalytic for growth. He added that in light of ease of doing business and conciliation mechanism announced, SCOPE Forum of Conciliation and Arbitration (SFCA)can play an important role in the new landscape.
Budget 2021 to accelerate growth and reinforceself -reliance - Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE
1st February, 2021
SCOPE (Standing Conference of Public Enterprises), apex body of Public Sector Enterprises believes that announcements by the Hon’ble Finance Minister shall pave way for a faster rebound of the Indian economy on the growth path.Mr Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE said that the Union Budget shall further affirm the positive boost to the previous reforms announced by the Government. He complimented the Budget proposals giving thrust to AtmaNirbharta mission by focussing on critical growth sectors like infrastructure, power, roads, ports and health. Government has given much needed boost to Indian economy to retrace the development path and reposition it on the global map, he added.
SCOPE Webinar on ‘Gandhian Perspective for Value Based Governance’
30th January, 2021
Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) organized a Symposium on ‘Gandhian Perspective for Value Based Governance’ coinciding with 73rdMartyrs’ Day. On this occasion, Shri Pradipta Kumar Bisoi, Secretary, Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications; Prof. J. S. Rajput, India’s Representative to UNESCO's Executive Board; Smt. Shobhana Radhakrishna, Veteran Gandhian and Mr. Atul Sobti, Director General, SCOPE spoke about espousing the ideals and teachings of Gandhiji, especially in these times of predicament.A large number of participants including senior executives from various PSEs attended the webinar.
SCOPE webinar on Strengthening HR strategies
28th January, 2021
The growing complexities of business has magnified the need for a dynamic and resilient HR function in order totransform workplaces. Deliberating on this, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) organised aSymposium on ‘Strengthening HR strategies in Emerging Business Environment’. The webinar was addressed by Ms. Soma Mondal, Chairperson, SAIL; Mr. Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra, Director(HR), IndianOil and Mr. Atul Sobti,Director General, SCOPE. Deloitte team comprising of Mr. Anandorup Ghose and Mr. Mohinish Sinha, Partners, Human Capital gave an insightful presentation into the changing paradigms of HR and measures to advent to the modern HR practices.Over 650 participants including senior official from PSEs attended the webinar through SCOPE’s various platforms.
While addressing the participants, Ms. Soma Mondal called HR as the backbone of every organisation and ‘Change managers.She highlighted the need for safety & well-being of employees,embracing technology by mappingdigital quotient of employees, building resilience and leadership development as key issues to pave way for self reliance and ensure business continuity.
Mr. Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra resonated the need to treat the ongoing crisis as a lesson and adopt a multifocal approach of agility, adaptability and aligning with business to revive and thrive in business. He highlighted the role of HR in ensuring effective communication to bring the organisation together especially in challenging times.
DG, SCOPE in his address said that as SCOPE’s webinars have become its most sought after capacity building programs. Speaking on the subject, he said that role of HR has undergone a massive change especially in the pandemic. He also highlighted that new role of HR should be one systemic thinking that would enable adaptability, agility and strategy and effective utilisation of workforce.
SCOPE webinar on Competition Law in association with Competition Commission of India
18th January, 2021
In view of the critical role of fair market and competition in promoting consumer welfare, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) organized a webinar on ‘Competition Law’ in association with Competition Commission of India (CCI).
Mr. Ashok Kumar Gupta, Chairperson, CCIdelivered the key note address. The webinar was also addressed by Mr. Atul Sobti, DG, SCOPE; Mr. A K Tiwari, Director (Finance), GAIL; Dr. K. D. Singh, Director (Law), CCI; Mr.Ashok Kumar Juneja, ED(CC&M), NTPC and Mr. K.R.M Rao, ED (C&P), GAIL.Over 500 participants including senior official from PSEs attended the webinar through SCOPE’s various platforms.
Mr. Ashok Kumar Gupta complimented SCOPE for organising the webinar and reiterated that such interactive sessions play a vital role in promoting greater understanding of the law and need for transparent public procurement system that ensures quality, price and service delivery. He added that since public procurement forms about 25% of our GDP, even small savings shall go a long way in making fiscal savings. He also apprised about CCI’s efforts towards development of efficient and competition compliant procurement processes at both Central and State Government level through its enforcement and advocacy roles.
Mr. Atul Sobti in his address stated that while SCOPE has been reinventing itself in the present scenario, this webinar has been organised with an aim to provide clarity in area of public procurement while maintaining competition in businesses for PSEs.
The webinar also discussed salient features of the Competition Law and deliberated on issues pertaining to proactive measures for better compliance of Competition Law, best practices, key initiatives and challenges of public procurement in the public sector.
SCOPE Eminence Awards 2019-20 Launched
12th January, 2021
Honouring the unremitting efforts of Public Sector as nation builders and catalysts for social transformation in the country, Standing Conference of Public Sector Enterprises (SCOPE) haslaunched ‘SCOPE Eminence Awards 2019-20.’ These awards are part of SCOPE’s commitment to honour the outstanding contribution of the Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) and their leaders to the economy at large. Among the most coveted awards recognizing outstanding contribution in PSEs, SCOPE awards have been presented by Hon’ble President of India in the past.
Amidst the changing paradigms and global exposure of PSEs, SCOPE Eminence Awards will be presented in 9 categories having 16 specific awards in areas of Corporate Governance;Digital Transformation;Women empowerment;R&D, Technology Development & Innovation; HR;Environmental excellence; Corporate Social Responsibility and Individual Leadership.